Thursday, June 23, 2011

Numerous so you think you can dance crimes

Crime: False statement; Obstruction of Justice; Parole violation; Being an assface
Location: Husband Crime House
Discription: Suspect and victim signed a contract before the new season of So You Think You Can Dance began stipulating that victim would not flee the scene of the show on all occasions and would stay for most showings. Suspect has since, knowingly, and with malice, and annoyingly because victim does her best to mute the judges screaming YES YOU DID WHOOOOOOO, attempted to illegally alter the contract so that he is allowed to leave during most showings of the show. And he missed a bollywood number which is like the one thing he likes!!!
Supporting evidence: This post made by suspect.
Verdict: So I Think He's Guilty.
Sentence: Suspect must attend future airings of the show; Suspect, even though he'll probably be reading a book, must look at the screen when victim exlaims "Wow!" or "Awesome!"; Suspect is not allowed to do his routine where he acts like Brian from that one Familiy Guy where he's drunk and shows up while Stewie is watching Jolly Farm and drunkenly brays "Why are you watching this crap?".

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